23 February 2015

February's Guide To Reading: Find time to read

Hello bookworms,
Welcome to February’s Guide To Reading!
Today I am going to talk about time organization, more specifically reading time. Reading has always been a hobby to me, that’s why it is so difficult to include it in my daily planner, because then it will become just a chore. Trying to squeeze some time to read in your hectic day can be quite frustrating.
Let me give you some of my own tips:

-Read early in the morning:
Usually I have a lot to study for school, that’s why I can’t even find time to read. I always have stuff to do, like studying, writing, different projects and essays, my Italian lessons… at some point it can be quite hectic, especially if I am not having my reading hours. Waking up early actually helps me. I wake up at 5 AM, and I read for two hours or something. This way I start my morning feeling  happy, and energized. Usually I nap for one hour when I come back from school, and replace the hour I had lost (If I don’t read in the morning, I wake up at 6). This makes me start my day in a much more energizing, inspiring way. I just wake up so happy, because I have to read. 

-Leave a day, or at least half of the day free:
Sundays used to be free days for me, but not anymore. When I have free time, I usually get some writing done, or I revise some lessons, but my New Year’s resolution is dedicating some free time to myself. With my school life in Albania, and the surgeries in Italy, finding some time to simply relax has become difficult, especially when it comes to reading! When I am in Albania, I am too busy with my school to read, and when I am in Italy, I am not in condition to read. Therefore, lately, I have started organizing Sunday for just relaxing, and reading.

-Friday Nights:

Friday Nights have always been for me reading nights. Now Sundays have become my reading days. But still, nothing sounds as good as a book on a Friday night.

Have a great day!
Happy Scary Reading!


  1. Quote:
    "I wake up at 5 AM, and I read for two hours or something. [...] Usually I nap for one hour when I come back from school, and replace the hour I had lost (If I don’t read in the morning, I wake up at 6)."

    I said, O_O !!!!!
    I need an alarm clock even in order to wake up at ten...and if I sleep less than 7/8 hours, I feel discombulated. Not to mention, I sometimes get headaches. You're a hero! ;)

    1. A hero? Nooo! This is what happens, when you get used to wake up at 5 every morning to study. LOL!

  2. I don't know if I will be able to wake up at 5, and start reading. Friday nights are a better option for me. I love your post, as always.

    1. Friday nights are always the best! Thank you Sharla!

  3. You are extremely amazing! Waking up at 5 to read? Are you even human?
    But you are right! Dedicating one day to yourself is the best thing you can do. Keep being the way you are! Never change!

    1. Extremely amazing? Wow, thank you, thank you for your lovely comment! I wasn't expecting this at all!

  4. I prefer reading at night because that's when everything is quite and calm. Plus, there's no one to bother me! :D
    Btw, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out here:
    Versatile Blogger Award.
    Have fun! :D

    1. Yes, reading at night is a good choice. Thank you for your nomination, Azee!


{Stay a little longer}