07 October 2014

October's Guide To Reading : Horror Books

Hello bookworms
Welcome to another post of October’s Guide to Reading
On Monday we have talked about spooky music. I have given that task to Klejda, since she is so addicted to music. Now we are talking about horror books, so it is my turn to write. If you haven’t noticed until now, I love horror books.
I think that October should be the horror month (hence the Halloween). Who said that Halloween should last only one day? I celebrate Halloween everyday actually, but let’s just tone it down to a month.

Last year I have posted a list of my favorite horror books. The list is still valid even for 2014, so here is the link.
This fall I am loving antique books. Since I am so into old books lately, I will go with those bone -chilling classics this Halloween.
Need to say more? I am Dracula’s number one fan! I absolutely love Bram Stoker. The book is a piece of art. I don’t have words to describe it. The most special thing about “Dracula” is it’s writing style. This book is written in epistolary format. You are reading a diary. It is like you have been there. It feels like that diary exists, like those characters are as real as you. The problem with “Dracula” is that peoplehave watched the movies, and now they refuse to read it. The movies don’t really have a plot. They focus more on the effects, and the disgusting part. How can you compare an actress in Lucy’s character with that sassy vampire, whose description makes you feel fear, and admiration in the same time? Give Dracula a chance!

Good ol’ Frankenstein. Before I continue any further, please people bear this in mind: “Frankenstein isn’t the monster, Frankenstein is the scientist, Victor Frankenstein to be exact.” In the novel the creature has no name! That’s why I will call him Frankenstein’s monster. Hands down, this monster is the only one, who makes me feel sorry for his (second) death. He is innocent, and sensitive. He only wants love. This monster cannot stand looking at his reflection. I mean, can we get a round of applause for all these human feelings, that he possesses? Doesn’t this sound familiar to you? Isn’t this monster a little part of us, at the end?

Well, that’s it for today!
Last Post: October's Guide To Reading : Scary Music

Have a great day!
Happy Scary Reading!


  1. I've never read those two classics, you know...Ouch! no, no, please, don't beat me so hard! We used to be friends, remember? OK, OK, I'll read them. soon. I promise! Just let me find my old library card...


{Stay a little longer}