23 March 2015

March’s Guide To Reading : Library Organizing

Hello bookworms,
Spring is here! And you all know what time it is:
Spring Cleaning Time! I know, I know, it is tiresome, but essential. For this month’s guide to reading, I will be helpful, and give advices on how to re-organize your home library.

1.Start by emptying your bookshelf. You may leave the books on the ground (put a cloth though), and start dusting  your bookshelf.  How do you dust off your bookshelf? I don’t know, do I look like a dusting professional here?

2.Organize those books: I have seen that putting your books in color coded/ rainbow/ombré thing is popular nowadays. I have no idea what this is, but let me insert a photo here. (Sometimes I don’t act like my age. Am I 18, or 81?)
This is very pretty, and inspiring, but I feel like it won’t work for me. I read books of different genres, but most of those are horror, and usually horror books tend to have dark covers, therefore I can’t do the rainbow thingy.
It’s better to divide them according to genres. While you are dividing, don’t forget to put their titles and authors on a word document.

3.Create labels according to genres. How to make them? Here’s some ideas: 

4.Organize all the books, and put them in their places.

5.You can print the word document of all the books inserted, and put it on a clipboard near the bookshelf. This way, if someone borrows your books, and doesn’t return it, you will know. (Beware of my alien pet!)
Have a great day!
Happy Scary Reading!


  1. Amusing as usual! I had to snicker multiple times. Losing my composure at work. It's all your fault young lady ;).

    1. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... *chokes while laughing*


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